The beauty of the Sibiu county lies in its great location, right at the bottom of the Carpathian Mountains. The landscape is so dynamic and diversified wherever you go in the county: high snowy peaks, forest hills, large pastures with dense flora, large valley. You'll never get bored while driving along Sibiu.

The Carpathians act as a defender, regardless of where you are in Sibiu city or around the county - the mountains always feel like they are by your side. This landscape makes a beautiful and inspiring backdrop to any photo so we’ve scouted out the best places in Sibiu to get the most amazing mountain views.

View from the Sacadate village (c) Vlad Ionescu

Cisnadioara Citadel

Cisnădioara is a little idyllic Saxon village at about 20 minutes from Sibiu. It's located right at the foot at the mountains within a river valley so it's view is absolutely fantastic from wherever you're coming.

Up, on the top of St. Michael's Hill, there lies a 12th century Romanesque citadel. The panoramic view towards the village, its surroundings and the mountains is absolutely fabulous.

Regardless the season, if you come to Cisnădioara, get your camera set as you never know what amazing view you might encounter.


  • From Sibiu or Cisnădie (the nearby town) you can have a bike ride, as there are special bike lanes;
  • Apart from the citadel, you should also have a visit at Casa Agora and enjoy a delicious "hencles" (local pastry) and a coffee with a view;
  • From Cisnădioara you can have a relaxing hike till Răşinari, a nearby village or try a harder trail till the Măgura Peak (both perfect for photography lovers). For more information about the trails, check the Anii Drumetiei webpage!
Cisnadioara (c) Calin Stan

The Beautiful Puddle

The most beautiful view immersed in nature. A fisherman’s paradise and a photographer’s muse. This secret spot is where you can find the splendor of the Făgăraş Mountains mirrored in the Olt River making for a jaw-dropping photograph.

For great art pictures, we suggest you to explore the area along the bench of the Olt River (starting from the village Bradu or the city of Avrig, both in the direction of Braşov).

The Olt River is one of the most important rivers in Romania, crossing the Carpathians, it flows into the Danube River. The Olt River is an important habitat for numerous birds which makes it even more attractive for wildlife photographers.

The Făgăraş Mountains and the Olt River (c) Vlad Ionescu

Gusterita Hill, Sibiu

Guşteriţa is a neighborhood in Sibiu with a long history (up until the 1940s it used to be a Saxon village). And right there, on the outskirts of Sibiu city, across the train station bridge, on the hill with the luminous cross overlooking the city, you will find the most magical view of the Făgăraş Mountains.

You can arrive to the top by foot or by bike. You can also take the car or bus #10 which brings you close to the base of the hill climb.

Enjoy the panoramic view over the city and the mountains around and, if you have time, continue your hike on the marked trail till Hamba, the nearby village.

Panoramic view over Sibiu (c) Eduard Gergely

Evangelical Church Tower, Sibiu

This hidden gem gives you an amazing perspective over the city and its surroundings. Climb the hidden staircase inside of the Evangelical church walls and prepare to be amazed. You will find a full panoramic view of the city where you can watch while being watched by the eyes of the buildings around.

View from the Evangelical Church Tower (c) Sibiu City